Batteryspray logo - Spraying without limits

Batteryspray develops and produces innovative products, regarding the removal of asbestos containing applications in the industry and maritime sectors.

The Batteryspray method is the best working method for the removal of asbestos  containing materials (ACM). Removal of such materials using the Batteryspray method yields considerable time and cost savings on downtimes, inventory and containment construction.

Over the past 7 years the method has been thoroughly researched and approved by the Dutch authorities and TNO (Dutch Organization for Applied Scientific Research).


Batteryspray 3 Key Elements

  • Training. Our crew has been trained by Batteryspray experts  so they can execute correctly all resulting work protocols regarding Asbestos removal.
  • Equipment and Product. The unique combination of spraying techniques and BS Wetting Agent keeps the asbestos fibers from getting airborne while changing asbestos gaskets.
  • Application. The working method and the execution of the work are secured by using the Batteryspray app. Once the procedure is completed, the application provides a short Asbestos Removal Report (including photos) and can be filed in your AMP as well as your maintenance program.


Trained crew removing asbestos with Batteryspray technology

Batteryspray Technology

The Batteryspray method is marked safe and approved by the Dutch government. As a direct result it is considered a "best-practice" working solution for the removal of asbestos containing materials.

In many cases the removal can be done by your own maintenance crew, but if needed we can provide supervision by one of our Asbestos experts.

Technology for Life

Key products in Batteryspray methodology are:

Batteryspray Pro

  • A patented spraying application, which works on a battery pack and provides constant pressure of 11 bar which results in a fine atomization.
  • Fully stand-alone, no additional connection is required, mobile and usable anywhere.

Batteryspray Wetting Agent

  • A specially developed, 100% human and environmentally friendly, wetting product for the penetration and moistening of all types of Asbestos.
  • Penetrates the Asbestos-containing material and saturates the asbestos fibers.

The above combination of materials creates a blanket of mist that keeps the Asbestos fibers from getting airborne during the removal process.

Click to Watch a Batteryspray Information Video